Evaluation of Road to Employment
Project Details
Funding partner
Purple Orange
2020 - 2023
Gendera, S., Fisher, K.R., Alexander, J., Robinson, S., Fraser-Barbour, E. (2020). Industry-Specific Disability Employment and Road to Employment Projects Baseline Report. Sydney: Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney.
DCI researchers
Research partners
UNSW Sydney Social Policy Research Centre – Professor Karen Fisher (lead), Sandra Gendera
Road to Employment is a three-year NDIA funded project (April 2020 to March 2023) implemented by Purple Orange in South Australia.
The project uses a lifecycle approach from childhood to adulthood to change work expectations about people with disability. One component is to work with employers to increase their capacity to address barriers in their work practices to create work opportunities and inclusive cultures. The project's second component is to work with schools to raise expectations about work for teachers, parents and students and mentor students.
A team of researchers at Flinders University and the SPRC at UNSW Sydney are undertaking an action research approach to evaluate the impact of the project on stakeholders and the lessons from the project for future similar projects.
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