Alone together: countering COVID exclusion through community building
Ethical practice involving children (EPIC)
My home, my community: building local inclusion for people with intellectual disability
VR-inclusive health study
Changing community attitudes to improve inclusion of people with disability
Experiences of remote participation on retention and experiences of university students with intellectual disabilities and peer mentors (placement students) during COVID-19 restrictions
Promoting engagement with life in older adulthood
What helps to address loneliness for people with intellectual disability?
Customised Employment in Australia
Further up the hill – 20 years of inclusion of people with intellectual disability at university: where to next?
The Microenterprise project
Connecting the dots: understanding the DFV experiences of children and young people with disability within and across sectors
Queensland’s plan to respond to domestic and family violence against people with disability: data mapping and evaluation
A new quality of life instrument with older people for economic evaluation
Can LEGO® robotics therapy improve the mental health and social skills of adolescents on the autism spectrum? A phase 1 trial
End-of-life care needs of adults with long-standing physical disability: perceptions of individuals, families and service providers
Relationships and recognition: strengthening quality in working relationships between young people with cognitive disability and paid support workers
Behaviour support: provision by australian disability service providers
Developmental educators in practice: Informing curriculum renewal in the Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education (BDDE)
Measuring and valuing quality of life for economic evaluation and quality assessment: what is important to older people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities?
Bringing supported decision-making to behaviour support
Enabling behaviour support practitioners to meet behaviour support practice standards and registration obligations
Positive behaviour support for people with frontotemporal dementia: a family education program
Evaluation Our Voice SA’s Reaching Out project
Evaluation of the National Alliance of Capacity Building Organisations (NACBO) projects
Evaluation of Aim Higher
Evaluation of Road to Employment