Global network for young disabled researchers co-creating change
Project Details
Funding partner
UK Arts and Humanities Research Council Grant
University of Central Lancashire
Manchester Metropolitan University
Nottingham Trent University
J.F Oberlin University, Japan
Publications will be posted here when available.
The Global Network for Young Researchers Co-creating Change (GNYRCC) will enable collaboration between young disabled people aged 12-30 and their academic allies, across borders and across disciplines, to reflect on experiences of marginalisation and to set further agendas for research. They will share personal and research narratives and advice on
how they learn together about research, co-creating evidence accessible learning resources to inform further inclusive research to support ongoing activism. The proposed network is being initiated by UCan, a group of experience young disabled co-researcher. It aims, through developing creative participatory methods to strengthen young disabled people's
opportunities for influence, to surface narratives and intersecting issues in contexts identified by young disabled people.
The network will address inequalities in power in research by enabling young disabled people to co-direct internal funds for co-creating accessible learning resources and through four project grants used to develop their research locally and cross nationally to amplify the perspectives of other disabled children and young people. The network will also provide insights into strategies for inclusive collaboration and impact that can be sustained beyond the funding period.
The project will link young disabled researchers who are already instigating and carrying out impressive research with support from academics and practitioners globally, who are supportive of a social model of disability and actively involved in the advancement of young disabled people's rights.
An easy-read resource for this project is not currently available.