Jigsaw: Disability employment model evaluation & development of impact framework
Project Details
Funding partner
Jigsaw Australia
2023 - 2025
Publications will be posted when avaliable.
DCI reseachers
June Alexander (Chief Investigator)
Flinders University researchers
Claire Hutchinson (Chief Investigator, Lead)
Research Partner
Jigsaw Australia
Jigsaw Australia is a NDIS funded employment skills training and paid work experience program for people with disability that prepares people for employment.
The evaluation will be conducted in three stages.
Stage 1: Literature review of models of disability employment. Stage 2: A theory of change framework for the Jigsaw model. Stage 3: Impact Measurement (evaluation of Jigsaw’s model and outcomes).
The evaluation will draw attention to an innovative model of disability employment and provide information on the impact on stakeholders and social value creation.
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