Promoting engagement with life in older adulthood
Project Details
Funding partner
Australian Research Council (Linkage) (LP170100461)
Publications will be posted here when available.
DCI researchers
Flinders University researchers
Associate Professor Tim Windsor (lead)
Professor Mary Luszcz
Research partners
Curtin University, School of Psychology - Dr Trevor Mazzucchelli
Oregan State University, Human Development and Family Sciences - Associate Professor Robert Stawski
ECH - Ms Amber Watt
City of Onkaparinga
Office for Ageing Well
The world’s population is growing older at a rapid rate. This demographic transformation means that there is a research imperative to develop a better understanding of how people can maintain health and well-being, maximise the quality of their own lives, and make positive social contributions for as long as possible. Engagement in activity, or being active, has been promoted as a crucial element of this pursuit. This is a topic of central importance to gerontology, as purposeful activity is central to ageing well but commonly declines with advancing age.
The aims of the project are:
To identify specific elements of existing programs for older adults that effectively promote engagement
To determine older adults’ needs and preferences related to engagement, and the factors that promote resilience, in contrast to disengagement and isolation in the community
To examine influences on day-to-day activity engagement through implementation of a tailored activity program for older adults.
This project is part of Ruth Walker’s research program in the intersections between disability and ageing.
The research findings will shed light on key factors that inhibit or enable meaningful engagement. Importantly, we aim to identify specific points of intervention where policy responses designed to promote engagement among older adults can be most fruitfully directed.
An easy-read resource for this project is not currently available.