Queensland’s plan to respond to domestic and family violence against people with disability: data mapping and evaluation
Project Details
Funding partner
Queensland Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women
Publications will be posted here when available.
DCI researchers
Dr Amy Marshall
Research partners
Deloitte (lead)
UNSW Sydney Social Policy Research Centre – Professor kylie valentine
The Queensland government has developed a targeted plan to respond to and prevent domestic and family violence (DFV) against people with disability, as a priority group identified in the ‘Not Now, Not Ever’ State Taskforce report on DFV in 2015. As part of this, our evaluation team has been commissioned to:
Map DFV data on people with disability impacted by DFV
Design an evaluation framework to measure and report on progress against the outcomes in the Plan
Complete an evaluation as per the evaluation framework.
The objective of this work is to enhance the evidence base regarding the experiences of, and responses to, people with disability who experience DFV, and inform and improve future decisions for targeted responses.
An easy-read resource for this project is not currently available.